I’m Peter Broomfield. I’m a strategist, thinker, and designer based near Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

I believe we were each put on this earth both to help and be helped by one another. For my part, I plan on mastering the process of design and using its staggering capacity for leveraging human creativity to solve the biggest problems a person faces. The one that nags at me most is the dilapidated state of our children’s standardized education. But until I figure out how to tackle that giant, I will use my talents and abilities to provide high-value solutions in the strategy, branding, creative direction, and design fields for which I am uniquely equipped.

I hope I never see a day when I’m not learning something more or developing myself in some way. I aim to be generous with whatever I have and become rich in knowledge. I hope I will always work hard, be grateful, and act with kindness.


Facilitated Brand Discovery

  • Client Goals Analysis & Alignment
  • User Profiles
    • Ideal User Definition
    • User Journeys
    • User Psychographics
    • Needs/Wants/Hopes
  • Brand Attributes & Positioning
  • Goal Prioritization
  • Budget Planning & Timeline

Brand Strategy

Creative Direction

Art Direction

Project Planning

Project Management

Branding & Identity Systems


Design Thinking

User Interface Design

User Experience Design


Motion Graphic Design



Graphic Design



Photo Manipulation

Photo Retouching

Photo Compositing

Presentation Design


MacOS / Windows

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Indesign


Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe After Effects

Cinema 4D



Adobe Audition


Adobe XD

Invision Studio




Visual Studio Code





Google Docs


One Note



Keyboard Maestro

Tracking Time





These are the giants upon whose shoulders I attempt to stand.

“Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.”

—Bruce Lee


My design process typically follows this formula. It’s not uncommon for these steps or even the entire cycle to repeat over the course of the design process.

1Identify the problem. Ask good questions and listen until you know what you’re trying to solve. 2Research and Ideate. Discover everything you can about the thing you’re trying to solve, from the person(s) who have the problem, to existing and possible solutions. Capture ideas and generate a large number of possible forms the solution could take. 3Validate and Build. Verify your research and ideas with the client to confirm your solution is appropriate, then execute the design. 4Test and Refine. Test that your design meets the needs as intended. Refine as needed. Deliver. Delight.

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or they have thought more about their experiences than other people.”

— Steve Jobs

As designers, we must endeavor to saturate ourselves with knowledge of the problem, knowledge of the person for whom the problem exists, and knowledge of possible solutions, both existing and imaginary. Through this ingestion of knowledge, we meditate on what we learn, and document and experiment with the solutions that begin to present themselves. While our possible solutions are infinite, our time and abilities are finite. Our job is to choose the best possible solution given our knowledge, time, and ability.